for executive academy alumni, welcome to 2.0.

Continue to sharpen and elevate their leadership skills. We have crafted a unique experience intentionally designed to help you continue to grow as a leader. Our focus has been to build and expand from the past curriculum, based on what you told us in your survey.
Header image
Graduating class photo of Leadership Academy 2.0.
continue your growth

What you can expect

This program is for alumni only. Your feedback has also driven a change in our program format. We now have six sessions, with the first session being a full day, followed by five half day sessions ending at noon. Attached below is a little more about the topics we will cover in the program and yes, it will include the popular CEO Q&A segment.


The total tuition for all six sessions is $3,885, which includes the program fee, course materials, and meals. Payment of tuition acknowledges that the registrant has read and accepted all terms and conditions stated. Because class participation is limited and reserved, tuition is nonrefundable but may be applied to a future Business Report Leadership Academy 2.0 session.
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